Notechis scutatus

A Tiger Snake next to a road

A Tiger Snake in a garden

A Tiger Snake on a path

A baby Tiger Snake on a path
The Tiger Snake is a highly venomous Snake Found in the southern States of Australia. It can also be found on the offshore islands like Tasmania. Their appearance can change dramatically from snake to snake. Some have a vivid Black and yellow stripe pattern, others can be jet black, others can be brown. Because of this, at a glance they can be mistaken for other species of snake. Their colour and patterns can also change seasonally as well. Tiger Snakes are typically around the 1.2m Length. Tiger Snakes can be more tolerant of colder weather so are normally the first to be spotted come spring time. Tiger Snakes are common around coastal areas but also thrive around wetlands and creeks.
Because Tiger Snakes live around more water prone areas as opposed to the eastern Brown snake, their diet contains other reptiles and amphibians such as Frogs, Skinks, birds and can sometimes even practice a bit of Cannibalism.
Tiger snakes also don’t lay eggs. A Female Tiger Snake will give birth to live young, 20 – 30 babies during summer.